Famunation - The family that slays together stays together
Family isn't who you are born with, it's who you would die for.
MCD Famunation is a grid wide multi-player first person shooter set in Second Life, it's an epic ongoing battle for territory, supremacy and above all respect.
Famunation lets you decide the form that your family will take, and how your play area will look, we provide all the tools and framework that you need in order to operate the game, and a set of basic rules to ensure that the game is fair for all that play. You do not need to me a mafia family, you can be a biker gang, a vampire clan, a religious cult, zombies, cops, robbers, the army, aliens, cowboys, the only limitation is your imagination.
Respect is earned in a variety of ways, mostly through killing rival family members, and pulling of successful ammo heists.
In order to play you will need to obtain a new starter pack (ideally from the Family you wish to join - but not essential), wear the game HUD and then join a family. You have to be invited to a family, simply find a family member and ask for an invite.
If you are looking for a Family to join check out Family Hangouts on the website.
Click on a heading below for more information
Terms Of Service
By wearing the Famunation HUD you agree to be bound by the following terms of service.
1. Anything you say or do can and will be used as evidence against you in the Famunation Courts, this includes but is not limited to video, screenshots and public chat.
2. You agree to follow the Game Rules at all times.
3. You accept that in all cases the judges decision is final, you do have the right to appeal game suspensions and bans only.
4. You agree to play with a generally accepted sense of fair play at all times.
5. Every time you pick up your Command Post you will automatically lose 10% of your Family Ammo Pool, unless you are relocating to a different Sim.
6. You must be an active player in order to sell weed on the Weed Store.
7. Only 1 barrel rezzer per 512 sqm of Famunation play area, ie if you have 1024 sqm of play area then you may only use 2 barrels, if you have 4096 you can use up to 8, place them wherever you want.
Anyone who impedes or abuses the sheriff in his duty will face a 10% drop in XP, lose their family 20% of their ammo pool and be banned for 48 hours.
Games Rules
1. No excessive jumping or dashing.
2. No use of movement impairing devices or systems including land tools.
3. No use of anything that makes your character harder to kill, including but not limited to Animations, Gestures, HUD's, Attachments or Offsets..
4. During an ammo heist no interference of any kind that causes the loss of the game or death of a player, this includes but is not limited to ejecting, banning, moving the Command Post or making players fall out of range of the Command Post.
House Rules
Note : House Rules must be published on the Famunation website go to My Family > Edit Details & post the rules in the family description section.
Whilst playing Famunation please remember that you are a guest of the parcel/sim owner and must be respectful to them at all times. Whilst a host may have rules or beliefs that you do not agree with you must respect those rules, if you feel strongly that you cannot respect the hosts wishes then you should not play at that location.
Every host has the right to publish their own set of house rules, these must be simple, clear and visible.
Enforcement of the house rules falls soley on the responsibility of the host and Famunation will not get involved in any disputes regarding House Rules.
If a player breaches the house rules then they cannot file a complaint about the host if the host has breached the Game Rules.
Verbal Abuse & Griefing
Any claims of griefing or verbal abuse need to be submitted to Linden Labs. Famunation cannot and will not get involved in your personal disputes.
Complaints Procedure
We will only investigate complaints that are regarding clear breaches of the Game Rules.
Step 1. Speak to the person involved directly in a polite and non confronational way and attempt to resolve your differences peacefully.
Step 2. Speak to the head of your family if you are unable to resolve the issue.
Step 3. If the head of the Family feels it appropriate they must send a notecard detailing the nature of the complaint and any supporting evidence to Jesus.
Step 4. Wait for an official verdict.
An upheld complaint will cost 10% of the family ammo pool and 5% Respect points of the person at fault.
Destructible Content
Explosive Barrels
These will only appear during an ammo heist and can only be destroyed once. If you are too close to a barrel when it explodes you will suffer 100 damage. Barrels can also be used to destroy walls and windows.
Destructible Vehicles
Once a vehicle has been destroyed it will respawn as a new vehicle after 5 minutes. If you are too close when a vehicle explodes you will suffer 100 damage, vehicles can also be used to destroy walls and windows.
Destructible Walls
There are several designs of destructible wall, they can only be taken out by explosions, when a wall is destroyed it will generate rubble. Wall will regenerate after 10 minutes.
Destructible Windows
When destroyed a window will shatter, if you are hit by or stand on a glass shard you will suffer 10 damage. Whilst windows will eventually repair themselves they can be repaired by anyone at anytime.
HUD & Game Hints
Touch the Health button to toggle Active / Inactive status, this will also draw and sling your gun.
Touch the Ammo Button to Reload your active Gun.
Touch the Red Thumb to toggle player names on the HUD Radar.
Touch the Blue Thumb to toggle grow / shrink the HUD.

Growing, Selling, Buying & Smoking Weed
Growing Weed
In order to grow weed you will need to purchase weed plants from the MCD Store. Each plant will produce a harvestable crop every 3 days, the crop yield depends on how well you look after your plant. When you harvest a crop the weed is added to your personal weed stash so that you can smoke or sell it as you wish.
Once having purchased your plant there are no ongoing costs associated with the upkeep of your plants, these are not breedables so you dont have to buy special water or shit in order to make them grow, they dont have babies so if you want more plants, you just buy more.
Smoking Weed
On your game HUD you will see a button with a cannabis leaf on, and the amount of grams of weed you own. Simply touch this button to smoke a joint.
When you smoke a joint you will get an instant health boost of between 50 and 100 HP, smoking a joint has a 1 minute cool down so use this wisely. Each joint costs 1 gram of weed from your stash.
Buying Weed
Simply hit Settings then Weed Store on your game HUD, this will take you to the weed store when you can purchase weed using your Famunaiton account balance.
Weed costs L$ 10 per gram with L$9 going to the grower and L$1 is paid in tax.
Selling Weed
Simply hit Settings then Weed Store on yoru game HUD, this will take you to the weed store when you can sell weed from your weed stash.
Simply enter the amount of weed you wish to sell to place a sell order. Orders are filled in date order of when they were placed so avoid cancelling sell orders where possible, as this will put you at the back of the sell queue. In order to sell weed you must be in an active Family, if your Command Post is not in world you will not be able to sell weed.
Also you must be an active player to sell weed, you must kill a minimum amount of players in the last 30 days to be able to sell weed.
Earn L$ Bounty Hunting
Earn L$ by shooting the people that most annoy you in the face!
The bounty system works so that when someone buys ammo a bounty is put on their head. Any Rival or Ally that kills this person will earn 5% of the available bounty, which will be added to your Famunation Account..
If the bounty on a player reaches L$ 0 then you will no longer receive Bounty Rewards for killing them, but you will still be earning Respect and ruining their day so feel free to keep shooting them in the face, or Buttox should you prefer.
If you are wearing your game HUD you will be alerted as soon as a new bounty becomes available, you can look on the players page on the website at any time to see all the available bountys.
Happy Hunting!
Health, Killing & Dying
Your initial health is based on your Rank see the Ranks & Respect section for more info. You need to have 100% health before you can go Active or Inactive.
You will receive a Health penalty at a rate of 2 HP for each Achievement you have earned.
You will receive a Health bonus at a rate of 5 HP for each Territory you control.
New players will receive a 100 HP boost for the first 14 days in order to give them a fighting chance.
Losing Health
You will naturally lose health from weapons damage or falling too hard, you will also lose health every time you teleport or remove/replace your HUD. These measures have been implemented to prevent players exploiting the game. Suck it up and move on!
Some things around you are destructible, like vehicles and oil barrels, if you are too close to these when they blow you will suffer 100 damage. You may also take environmental and area of effect damage, like standing in a pool of acid or from a lack of air.
Gaining Health
You will regain 10% of your maximum health per minute whilst not taking damage.
You are classed as wounded if you take damage from a player. You will lose wounded status if you manage to survive more than one minute without taking any damage.
NOTE : If you teleport, remove your HUD or log out of SL whilst wounded you will be classed as AWOL and everyone that wounded you will be credited with the kill.
If you wound someone that dies, teleports, removes the HUD or logs out of SL you will get credit for the kill. You will earn Respect Points based on the level of the player you wounded/killed. If 10 people wound a player they will all get credit for the kill, but the deceased will only lose a total of one Respect Point.
If you die you will lose 1 Respect and be teleported back to your Family Command Post, you will need to wait until your health returns to 100% before being able to rejoin the fight.
Ammo & Heists
In order to play you will need ammo, this is purchased via the HUD, NOTE : You must be wearing your gun before purchasing ammo. Simply click Settings > then By Ammo. The first time you do this you will be asked to accept debit permissions, you need to accept these before being able to buy ammo.
Every time you purchase ammo you are supporting the game and most importantly your Family.
25% of the ammo you purchase is added to your Family Pool. This is a FREE bonus and does not come out of the ammo you purchase.
20% of the purchase price is placed on your head as bounty for other players to earn from kills.
*20% of the purchase price is paid to your boss to help towards tier.
*If the boss of a Family buys ammo, this 20% is added to your bounty not your account balance. Making a total of 40% per purchase added to your bounty.
Ammo Pool
When you pull off a successful heist on another family ammo will be added to your pool, ammo is also added every time a family member buys ammo. You will lose 5% of your Ammo Pool if a rival family pulls off a successful heist against your family.
Every day you can withdraw free ammo from your family's Ammo Pool by touching your Family Command Post, the amount you receive is based on your rank within the family.
Ammo Heists
To start an Ammo Heist visit a rival Family Hangout and touch their Command Post. Its is advisable to bring some family members with you and have them all touch the Command Post too.
After 5 mins if any of your family (who touched the Command Post) are still alive your family Ammo Pool will gain 5% of your rivals total Ammo Pool. You will receive 50 Respect Points and your Family will receive 10 Respect Points.
Limits : You can only successfully rob each Family every 4 hours, if the heist fails you can keep trying until you finally win, or run out of bullets.
NOTE : If you die, teleport, go out of range of the Command Post (100m) or go inactive you will automatically be disqualified and will need to re-touch the Command Post to re-join the fight.
Every time you purchase ammo you are supporting the game and most importantly your Family.
25% of the ammo you purchase is added to your Family Pool. This is a FREE bonus and does not come out of the ammo you purchase.
20% of the purchase price is placed on your head as bounty for other players to earn from kills.
*20% of the purchase price is paid to your boss to help towards tier.
*If the boss of a Family buys ammo, this 20% is added to your bounty not your account balance. Making a total of 40% per purchase added to your bounty.
Ammo Pool
When you pull off a successful heist on another family ammo will be added to your pool, ammo is also added every time a family member buys ammo. You will lose 5% of your Ammo Pool if a rival family pulls off a successful heist against your family.
Every day you can withdraw free ammo from your family's Ammo Pool by touching your Family Command Post, the amount you receive is based on your rank within the family.
Ammo Heists
To start an Ammo Heist visit a rival Family Hangout and touch their Command Post. Its is advisable to bring some family members with you and have them all touch the Command Post too.
After 5 mins if any of your family (who touched the Command Post) are still alive your family Ammo Pool will gain 5% of your rivals total Ammo Pool. You will receive 50 Respect Points and your Family will receive 10 Respect Points.
Limits : You can only successfully rob each Family every 4 hours, if the heist fails you can keep trying until you finally win, or run out of bullets.
NOTE : If you die, teleport, go out of range of the Command Post (100m) or go inactive you will automatically be disqualified and will need to re-touch the Command Post to re-join the fight.
Ranks & Respect (xp)
The game is based on a ranking system, in order to move up the ranks you need to gain Respect.
Respect is earned and lost in a variety of ways.
Killing : When you kill a rival you will earn Respect based on their current rank at the time of death. If you kill a Family member you will lose Respect based on their current rank at time of death.
Dying : When you die you will lose 1 Respect Point regardless of your rank.
Heists : If you are involved in a successful Ammo Heist you will earn 50 Respect.
NOTE : If you change Family you will lose half of your Respect.
Respect is earned and lost in a variety of ways.
Killing : When you kill a rival you will earn Respect based on their current rank at the time of death. If you kill a Family member you will lose Respect based on their current rank at time of death.
Dying : When you die you will lose 1 Respect Point regardless of your rank.
Heists : If you are involved in a successful Ammo Heist you will earn 50 Respect.
NOTE : If you change Family you will lose half of your Respect.
Rank | Health Points | Respect Required | Respect Points given to killer | Daily Ammo Withdraw |
Boss | Achieved Rank Health + bonus health per active member above rank of Captain | Special Purchase Only | 15 | 7.5% of Pool |
Underboss VI | 315 | 1,024,000 | 12 | 6% of Pool |
Underboss V | 300 | 512,000 | 11 | 5.5% of Pool |
Underboss IV | 285 | 256,000 | 10 | 5% of Pool |
Underboss III | 270 | 128,000 | 9 | 4.5% of Pool |
Underboss II | 255 | 64,000 | 8 | 4% of Pool |
Underboss I | 240 | 32,000 | 7 | 3.5% of Pool |
Underboss | 225 | 16,000 | 6 | 3% of Pool |
Advisor | 210 | 8,000 | 5 | 2.5% of Pool |
Captain | 195 | 4,000 | 4 | 2% of Pool |
Soldier | 180 | 2,000 | 3 | 1.5% of Pool |
Associate | 165 | 1,000 | 2 | 1% of Pool |
Recruit | 150 | 0 | 1 | 0.5% of Pool |
Unworthy | 250 | -1 | 0 |
Starting a Family
In order to start your own Family you will need to visit the MCD Store and purchase a Boss Starter Pack.
Your Rank will then change to Boss and you will lose all your Respect Points.
A new button "My Family" will appear in your HUD (accessed via the wrench icon), use this button to set up your Family name, Description and Texture for use on the website and in game. You will also be able to remove players from your Family.
Sales : You will earn commission on all HUD sales from your vendors, you will earn commission on ammo sales and bonus ammo is added to your Family Ammo Pool for every ammo purchase by one of your family members.
Boss Health - Whilst your rank will always remain as Boss your base Health Points are based on the same ranking system as regular players, this means you have to earn Health boosts like everyone else. You will however receive 1 HP for every active player in your family, to count as active they need to have played in the last 30 days.
Ammo Pool - As the boss you will be able to withdraw the maximum amount of ammo from the pool daily, this is currently set at 5% of the total Ammo Pool.
Command Post - This is the most essential item in the game, this must be placed on your land and must be accessible to all players. The Command Post handles your players online status, respawn point, communications, withdrawals from the ammo pool and allows for rival families to initiate an Ammo Heist.
You do not have to have this out in the open but it does have to be findable and easily accessible, if you have TP routing on your land and the Command Post is more than 50 meters away you must provide a teleporter to get them within 50 metres.
WARNING : If your Command Post is deemed too hard to find, or is removed from your land you will face a penalty of 20% of your Family Ammo Pool per day until this is rectified.
Every time you pick up your Command Post you will lose 10% of your family ammo pool, if you have a legitimate reason, such as moving sims then contact support and you may qualify for a refund.
Your Rank will then change to Boss and you will lose all your Respect Points.
A new button "My Family" will appear in your HUD (accessed via the wrench icon), use this button to set up your Family name, Description and Texture for use on the website and in game. You will also be able to remove players from your Family.
Sales : You will earn commission on all HUD sales from your vendors, you will earn commission on ammo sales and bonus ammo is added to your Family Ammo Pool for every ammo purchase by one of your family members.
Boss Health - Whilst your rank will always remain as Boss your base Health Points are based on the same ranking system as regular players, this means you have to earn Health boosts like everyone else. You will however receive 1 HP for every active player in your family, to count as active they need to have played in the last 30 days.
Ammo Pool - As the boss you will be able to withdraw the maximum amount of ammo from the pool daily, this is currently set at 5% of the total Ammo Pool.
Command Post - This is the most essential item in the game, this must be placed on your land and must be accessible to all players. The Command Post handles your players online status, respawn point, communications, withdrawals from the ammo pool and allows for rival families to initiate an Ammo Heist.
You do not have to have this out in the open but it does have to be findable and easily accessible, if you have TP routing on your land and the Command Post is more than 50 meters away you must provide a teleporter to get them within 50 metres.
WARNING : If your Command Post is deemed too hard to find, or is removed from your land you will face a penalty of 20% of your Family Ammo Pool per day until this is rectified.
Every time you pick up your Command Post you will lose 10% of your family ammo pool, if you have a legitimate reason, such as moving sims then contact support and you may qualify for a refund.